Frostbound Golem
An epic battle awaits level 4 adventurers against this formidable ice construct. Can your party overcome its icy might and unravel the mystery of the Crown of Thrym?
Frostbound Golem Statistics


Damage Resistances
Cold, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-magical attacks.


Damage Vulnerability


Damage Immunities
Poison, psychic.


Condition Immunities
Charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned.
Other Characteristics
  • Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10.
  • Languages: Understands Dwarvish, but cannot speak.
Frostbound Golem Actions and Tactics


The Frostbound Golem makes one Icy Slam attack and uses Frozen Aura if available.


Icy Slam
Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10+4) bludgeoning damage plus 5 (1d6) cold damage. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be slowed for 1 minute (as per the slow spell). They can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns.


Frozen Aura (Recharge 5-6)
The golem releases a burst of cold energy. Each creature within 10 feet must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 14 (4d6) cold damage and is restrained by ice until the end of the golem's next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and is not restrained.


Ice Reformation (Optional)
If the Frostbound Golem is reduced to 0 hit points, it begins to regenerate from the ice around it. The adventurers have 2 rounds to disable or sever the golem's connection to the Crown of Thrym by using magic or attacking the crown, or the golem will regain 20 hit points and continue fighting. This gives the players an additional tactical element without making the fight feel unwinnable.
Tactical Suggestions for the Party
  • Fire Spells: The party should focus on using fire-based magic (if available) to deal double damage to the golem. Characters with ranged fire spells like Scorching Ray or Firebolt can chip away at the golem's health more effectively.
  • Crowd Control: Slowing the golem down with spells like Entangle or using traps could help manage its speed, keeping it from overwhelming the party.
  • Healer's Role: Merric (or any cleric-type character) should focus on healing and support during the battle, especially when Frozen Aura goes off.
  • Use the Environment: The party could use any available environmental elements (rocks, rubble, ice patches) to shield themselves from the golem's attacks or create obstacles that slow its advance.
Can the Party Defeat the Golem?
Yes, with these adjustments, a well-coordinated level 4 party would have a challenging but winnable fight against the Frostbound Golem. The battle will still feel climactic and intense, but by exploiting the golem's vulnerabilities and using tactical teamwork, they can bring it down.