The Ethereal Pathfinders
A Level 4 D&D 5E party formed to face growing threats from mystical and mundane realms.
You'll meet the Etherial Pathfinders and the Resolute Vanguard in future episodes of Roll for Leadership Podcast.
Check out the latest episode.
The Ethereal Pathfinders: Origins
The Ethereal Pathfinders were formed by Aranel Seladria in response to growing threats from both mystical and mundane realms. With a team that blends arcane knowledge, tactical acumen, and practical skills, they navigate complex challenges that others shy away from. Their name reflects their ability to traverse the unseen paths of both magic and leadership, guiding those who follow them toward a brighter future.
Aranel Seladria forms the team in response to growing threats
Team Assembly
Blending arcane knowledge, tactical acumen, and practical skills
Navigate complex challenges and guide others to a brighter future
Aranel Seladria: The Elven Mage
Aranel Seladria (Elf Mage, Project Manager) • Race: High Elf • Class: Wizard (Level 4) • Background: Sage • Alignment: Neutral Good • HP: 24 (4d6 Hit Dice) • AC: 14 (Mage Armor active) • Speed: 30 ft. • Proficiencies: Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation • Languages: Common, Elvish, Draconic
• STR: 8 (-1) • DEX: 14 (+2) • CON: 13 (+1) • INT: 18 (+4) • WIS: 14 (+2) • CHA: 10 (+0)
• Arcana +6 • History +6 • Insight +4 • Investigation +6
Abilities and Features
• Darkvision (60 ft.) • Fey Ancestry (Advantage on saving throws against being charmed, immune to magical sleep) • Trance (Elves don't sleep; meditate for 4 hours) • Arcane Recovery (Recover spell slots after a short rest)
Aranel's Arcane Arsenal
Spells (Prepared): • Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Minor Illusion • 1st Level: Mage Armor, Shield, Magic Missile, Detect Magic • 2nd Level: Scorching Ray, Misty Step, Detect Thoughts • 3rd Level: Counterspell (if unlocked at level 5)
Fire Bolt
Ranged fire attack cantrip
Magical protection spell
Misty Step
Short-range teleportation
Negates enemy spells
Rurik Grayscar: The Half-Orc Paladin
Rurik Grayscar (Half-Orc Paladin, Operations Manager) • Race: Half-Orc • Class: Paladin (Level 4) • Background: Soldier • Alignment: Lawful Good • HP: 39 (4d10 Hit Dice) • AC: 18 (Chain Mail + Shield) • Speed: 30 ft. • Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation, Religion, Persuasion • Languages: Common, Orc, Dwarven
• STR: 17 (+3) • DEX: 10 (+0) • CON: 14 (+2) • INT: 10 (+0) • WIS: 12 (+1) • CHA: 15 (+2)
• Athletics +5 • Intimidation +4 • Persuasion +4 • Religion +2
Abilities and Features
• Relentless Endurance (Drop to 1 HP instead of 0 once per long rest) • Savage Attacks (When you score a crit, roll an additional damage die) • Divine Sense (Detect celestial, fiend, undead within 60 ft.) • Lay on Hands (20 HP pool for healing) • Fighting Style: Defense (+1 AC while wearing armor)
Rurik's Divine Arsenal
Spells (Prepared): • 1st Level: Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Bless, Cure Wounds Weapons and Equipment: • Weapon: Longsword (1d8 slashing), Shield • Armor: Chain Mail
Divine Spells
  • Divine Favor
  • Shield of Faith
  • Bless
  • Cure Wounds
  • Longsword (1d8 slashing)
  • Shield
  • Chain Mail
Merric Goldleaf: The Halfling Cleric
Merric Goldleaf (Halfling Cleric, Quality Assurance Specialist) • Race: Lightfoot Halfling • Class: Cleric (Life Domain, Level 4) • Background: Acolyte • Alignment: Neutral Good • HP: 31 (4d8 Hit Dice) • AC: 18 (Scale Mail + Shield) • Speed: 25 ft. • Proficiencies: Medicine, Religion, Insight, Perception • Languages: Common, Halfling, Dwarven, Celestial
• STR: 10 (+0) • DEX: 12 (+1) • CON: 14 (+2) • INT: 10 (+0) • WIS: 18 (+4) • CHA: 12 (+1)
• Medicine +6 • Insight +6 • Religion +4 • Perception +6
Abilities and Features
• Halfling Nimbleness (Move through creatures larger than you) • Lucky (Reroll natural 1s on attacks, ability checks, or saves) • Divine Domain: Life (Bonus healing when casting healing spells) • Channel Divinity: Preserve Life (Restore up to 20 HP divided among creatures) • Disciple of Life (Extra healing when casting healing spells)
Merric's Divine Spells
Spells (Prepared): • Cantrips: Sacred Flame, Guidance, Thaumaturgy • 1st Level: Cure Wounds, Bless, Healing Word • 2nd Level: Lesser Restoration, Prayer of Healing, Spiritual Weapon


Sacred Flame, Guidance, Thaumaturgy


1st Level Spells
Cure Wounds, Bless, Healing Word


2nd Level Spells
Lesser Restoration, Prayer of Healing, Spiritual Weapon
Dorian Thornvale: The Human Rogue
Dorian Thornvale (Human Rogue, Business Analyst) • Race: Human (Variant) • Class: Rogue (Level 4) • Background: Criminal/Spy • Alignment: Neutral • HP: 32 (4d8 Hit Dice) • AC: 15 (Leather Armor + Dexterity) • Speed: 30 ft. • Proficiencies: Deception, Stealth, Investigation, Sleight of Hand • Languages: Common, Thieves' Cant
• STR: 10 (+0) • DEX: 16 (+3) • CON: 14 (+2) • INT: 14 (+2) • WIS: 10 (+0) • CHA: 14 (+2)
• Stealth +7 • Deception +6 • Investigation +4 • Sleight of Hand +7 • Thieves' Tools +6
The Ethereal Pathfinders: Ready for Adventure
With their diverse skills and backgrounds, the Ethereal Pathfinders are prepared to face any challenge that comes their way. From Aranel's arcane mastery to Rurik's divine strength, Merric's healing prowess to Dorian's cunning tactics, this team is ready to navigate both the seen and unseen paths of their world.
Arcane Knowledge
Aranel's wizardry provides the team with powerful magical abilities and knowledge of the arcane.
Divine Protection
Rurik's paladin abilities offer divine protection and leadership to the group.
Healing and Support
Merric's clerical powers ensure the team stays healthy and receives crucial support in battle.
Stealth and Cunning
Dorian's roguish skills allow the team to overcome obstacles with finesse and gather vital information.