Act 4
Facing the Artifact's Power
Embark on a perilous quest to claim the Crown of Thrym, facing moral dilemmas and ancient curses as you encounter the frozen rival party, Boran's Fury.
Setting the Scene
Setting the Scene The party descends deeper into the dwarven ruins, the air growing colder and thicker with an unnatural frost. They come to the central chamber, an enormous cavern of ice, dimly lit by glowing crystals embedded in the frozen walls. In the center of the room, resting on a stone pedestal, lies the Crown of Thrym—an ancient dwarven artifact glowing faintly with cold energy. As the party approaches, they notice a massive figure of ice and snow, standing silently, watching over the crown like a sentinel. This is the Guardian of the Crown.
The Dwarven Ruins
The party descends deeper into the ancient dwarven ruins, feeling the air grow colder and thicker with unnatural frost. The atmosphere becomes more oppressive as they near their goal.
The Central Chamber
An enormous cavern of ice serves as the central chamber, dimly lit by glowing crystals embedded in the frozen walls. The Crown of Thrym rests on a stone pedestal in the center, emanating a faint cold energy.
The Guardian
A massive figure of ice and snow stands silently in the chamber, watching over the crown like a sentinel. This imposing creature is the Guardian of the Crown, ready to defend the artifact from intruders.
Music for the Scene
Encounter: The Statues of the Fallen Engineers
Encounter: The Statues of the Fallen Engineers As the adventurers venture deeper, they come upon a grand hall lined with statues of ancient dwarven engineers, each one holding tools of their craft—hammers, compasses, and drafting instruments. The hall appears peaceful, but something feels off. Perception checks or magical detection will reveal that the statues are imbued with a faint magical energy.
The Hidden Threat
The statues are not mere monuments—they are the final line of defense for the crown. If the adventurers disturb the room or attempt to pass without caution, the statues will animate and attack, seeing the intruders as a threat to the sanctity of the ruins.
Possible Tactics
The adventurers can avoid conflict by detecting the magic and solving a small puzzle that involves deactivating the statues. In the corner of the hall lies an ancient control panel. By carefully deciphering the dwarven runes on the panel (likely through Arcana or History checks), the adventurers can deactivate the statues. Alternatively, they can choose to engage the statues in combat.
Combat Encounter
If the adventurers fail to deactivate the statues or choose to fight, they will face animated stone guardians—tough, resilient enemies designed to protect the inner sanctum. These stone guardians are slow but hit hard, and they will focus on protecting the path to the Crown of Thrym.
Dwarven Guardian Statue
Encounter a formidable Medium Construct with unique abilities and tactical challenges in your next adventure.
Dwarven Guardian Statue Details
Saving Throws
  • Strength +4
  • Constitution +4
Immunities and Resistances
Damage Immunities
Poison, Psychic
Damage Resistances
Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Non-Magical Attacks
Condition Immunities
Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Passive Perception 10
The statue makes two Slam attacks.
Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage (reduced from 2d6 + 4).
Stony Gaze (Recharge 6)
As a bonus action, the statue can fix its gaze on one creature within 20 feet. The creature must make a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or be slowed (instead of paralyzed) for 1 minute. While slowed, the creature's speed is halved, and it can't take reactions. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.


Defensive Positioning
The statues defend key areas


Slowing Effect
Stony Gaze only slows the adventurers


Balanced Challenge
Lower damage and hit points ensure that the party can defeat them without burning too many resources or feeling overwhelmed.
Atmosphere The temperature drops further as the adventurers move deeper into the ruins, frost coating their armor and cloaks. The faint, rhythmic sound of dripping water echoes in the distance, and the air becomes unnaturally cold. Every breath feels heavier, as though the ruins themselves resist the adventurers' presence.
Dropping Temperature
The temperature plummets as adventurers delve deeper, with frost coating their gear.
Echoing Drips
A faint, rhythmic sound of dripping water echoes in the distance, adding to the eerie atmosphere.
Unnatural Cold
The air becomes unnaturally cold, making every breath feel heavy and labored.
Resisting Ruins
The ruins themselves seem to resist the adventurers' presence, adding to the oppressive atmosphere.
Prompts for When to Deliver the Text
Entering the Artifact Chamber
Describe the environment as the party first enters the room with the Crown of Thrym.
The Crown's Temptation
Narrate the crown's allure as the party approaches, before they decide to touch or take it.
The Guardian Awakens
Describe the Guardian's appearance when the party disturbs the crown or crosses a trigger threshold.
The Battle Begins
Set the scene for combat as the fight with the Guardian commences.
The Turning Point
Narrate a critical moment during battle, such as a player struggling with the crown's influence.
The Guardian's Defeat
Describe the aftermath of the Guardian's defeat and the final decision about the crown.
Entering the Artifact Chamber
Read aloud as the party enters the final chamber where the Crown of Thrym is located
As you step into the vast cavern, the temperature drops even further, the biting cold wrapping around you like a shroud. The chamber stretches out before you, its walls lined with massive crystals that glow with an eerie, pale blue light, casting strange shadows on the icy floor. In the center of the room, on a raised stone platform, sits the Crown of Thrym, its dark metal glinting faintly in the dim light. Frost swirls around it like a living thing, and you can feel the cold radiating from it even at this distance. Above, jagged icicles hang from the ceiling like deadly stalactites, their sharp tips poised to fall at any moment. The ground beneath your feet is slick with ice, making each step treacherous. The air is thick with an ancient, unnatural magic, and the faintest whisper of power seems to echo through the chamber, urging you toward the crown. But there is something more—something watching. In the back of the chamber, nearly indistinguishable from the frozen walls, stands a massive figure, its form shimmering with the same icy light as the crystals. As your eyes adjust, the figure begins to move, slow and deliberate, as if it had been waiting for this moment for centuries. This is the Guardian of the Crown, and it is not pleased by your presence.
The Cavern
A vast chamber with walls lined by massive crystals glowing with eerie, pale blue light. The temperature drops significantly, and biting cold wraps around you.
The Crown of Thrym
Sits on a raised stone platform in the center, its dark metal glinting faintly. Frost swirls around it like a living thing, radiating cold even from a distance.
Environmental Hazards
Jagged icicles hang from the ceiling like deadly stalactites. The ground is slick with ice, making each step treacherous.
The Guardian
A massive figure stands in the back, nearly indistinguishable from the frozen walls. It begins to move slowly, as if awakening from centuries of waiting.
The Crown's Temptation
Read aloud as the party approaches the Crown of Thrym, tempting the leader or party members
As you draw closer to the Crown of Thrym, a cold, insidious whisper begins to fill your mind. The crown, though small in size, exudes an aura of immense power. The closer you get, the more overwhelming the sensation becomes—like the crown is calling to you, promising you control over the very elements themselves. "Take me… Wear me… The cold can be yours to command. With me, you can reshape this land, bend it to your will… Nothing will stand in your way…" The voice is faint but persistent, its words wrapping around your thoughts like tendrils of frost. The crown glows softly, the runes etched into its dark metal pulsing with the rhythm of your heartbeat. The promise of power is undeniable, but a darker thought lingers in the back of your mind—what will it cost? Those closest to the crown feel its pull the strongest. You must decide—will you reach for it, or resist its seductive power?
The Crown's Whispers
As you approach the Crown of Thrym, cold, insidious whispers fill your mind, promising control over the elements and the power to reshape the land.
The Crown's Appearance
The crown, though small, exudes an aura of immense power. It glows softly, with runes etched into its dark metal pulsing in rhythm with your heartbeat.
The Decision
Those closest to the crown feel its pull the strongest. You must decide whether to reach for it and embrace its power, or resist its seductive allure.
The Guardian Awakens
Read aloud when the party disturbs the crown or triggers the Guardian's awakening
The moment your hand reaches for the crown, the cavern seems to groan under the weight of ancient magic. A low rumble shakes the ice beneath your feet, and the faint glow of the crystals grows brighter, casting harsh light across the room. The figure at the far end of the chamber begins to stir, its massive form cracking and breaking free from the frozen wall as though awakening from a long slumber. With a shuddering roar, the Guardian of the Crown steps forward, its massive body composed of ice and stone, towering over you. Cold mist rolls off its form, and its eyes glow with an unnatural light. It raises a massive hand, the very air around it freezing solid as the ground beneath it begins to crack and splinter. "None shall claim the crown…" The Guardian's voice booms through the chamber, sending shards of ice cascading from the ceiling. It moves with deliberate, unstoppable force, determined to protect the artifact at all costs. The time for decisions is over—now, you must fight.


The Cavern Groans
As you reach for the crown, the cavern shakes under the weight of ancient magic. A low rumble vibrates through the ice beneath your feet.


The Guardian Stirs
The massive figure at the far end of the chamber begins to move, cracking and breaking free from the frozen wall like it's awakening from a long slumber.


The Guardian Awakens
With a shuddering roar, the Guardian of the Crown steps forward, its body of ice and stone towering over you. Cold mist rolls off its form, and its eyes glow with unnatural light.


The Battle Begins
The Guardian raises its massive hand, freezing the air around it. "None shall claim the crown..." it booms, as shards of ice cascade from the ceiling. The fight is inevitable.
The Battle Begins
Read aloud when combat with the Guardian starts
The Guardian charges forward, each of its steps shaking the ground beneath you. The icy floor beneath your feet cracks and shifts, threatening to send you sprawling as it raises a massive fist, prepared to strike. The air is thick with cold, your breath visible in the freezing air, and every moment feels heavier as the weight of the Guardian's power bears down on you. Above you, the jagged icicles sway dangerously, as though the very air from the battle could bring them crashing down. The crystals along the walls pulse with light, casting shifting shadows as the Guardian moves. The chill in the air bites at your skin, and you know that this fight will push you to your limits. The Crown of Thrym sits motionless on its pedestal, watching, waiting to see who will claim it—or who will fall.


The Guardian's Charge
The Guardian charges forward, its massive steps shaking the ground beneath you. The icy floor cracks and shifts, threatening to unbalance you.


Environmental Hazards
Jagged icicles sway dangerously overhead, while the crystals along the walls pulse with light, casting shifting shadows as the Guardian moves.


The Intense Cold
The air is thick with cold, your breath visible in the freezing air. The chill bites at your skin, adding to the challenge of the fight.


The Crown's Presence
The Crown of Thrym sits motionless on its pedestal, watching and waiting to see who will claim it—or who will fall in the battle.
The Turning Point
Read aloud if a party member is influenced by the crown or if the fight reaches a critical moment
As the battle rages on, you feel the weight of the crown's power pressing down on your mind. The whispers return, more insistent this time, their voice cold and seductive. "Take the crown… With it, you can end this… Wield my power, and all will bow before you…" The crown's influence grows stronger with each passing moment, its promises of power wrapping tighter around your thoughts. The Guardian, though fearsome, cannot match the allure of the crown's magic. You must decide—will you embrace the crown's power, or will you resist? Even as you fight, the ice underfoot cracks and shifts, and the deadly icicles above begin to loosen from the ceiling, swaying perilously in the heat of battle. The room itself seems to respond to the chaos, and every decision, every action, could turn the tide.
The Crown's Influence
As the battle rages, the crown's power presses down on your mind. Its whispers return, more insistent and seductive, promising the power to end the fight and rule over all.
The Decision
You must choose whether to embrace the crown's power or resist its allure. This decision could turn the tide of the battle, but at what cost?
Environmental Dangers
The ice underfoot cracks and shifts, while deadly icicles above begin to loosen from the ceiling. The room itself seems to respond to the chaos of the battle.
The Guardian's Defeat
Read aloud when the Guardian is defeated
With a final, thunderous crack, the Guardian of the Crown falls, its massive form shattering into countless shards of ice that scatter across the floor like broken glass. The chamber grows eerily silent, the only sound the faint hum of magic still emanating from the Crown of Thrym. The air remains cold, but the oppressive weight of the Guardian's presence has lifted. As the last fragments of ice settle, the crown sits on its pedestal, untouched, its dark metal still glowing faintly with an icy light. The whispers in your mind have quieted, but the temptation lingers. You now stand victorious, but the most important decision still lies ahead—what will you do with the crown?
The Guardian Falls
The Guardian of the Crown shatters into countless shards of ice, scattering across the floor like broken glass.
Eerie Silence
The chamber grows eerily quiet, with only the faint hum of magic from the Crown of Thrym breaking the silence.
The Crown Awaits
The Crown of Thrym sits untouched on its pedestal, its dark metal still glowing faintly with an icy light.
The Final Decision
Though victorious, the most important choice lies ahead—what will you do with the crown?
Temptation of the Artifact
Upon nearing the crown, the party leader (or a key party member with ambition or leadership traits) feels an immediate pull toward it. The crown begins to whisper promises of power, control over the icy tundra, and even dominance over life and death in Icewind Dale.
Mechanics The affected character must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 13) or feel a compulsion to take the crown. This can be resisted, but the urge will grow stronger with each round unless someone else intervenes.
If the crown is picked up, the character feels a surge of power, but they are also at risk of falling under its control. The crown could either boost their abilities or start to corrupt their mind (DM's choice based on player actions).
The Guardian Awakens and Final Battle Setup
Guardian Awakens
The Ice Elemental or Frost Giant rises to defend the Crown of Thrym when touched or approached.
Battlefield Setup
Icy floor requires Dexterity checks. Environmental hazards like crystal shards and frozen stalactites can be used tactically.
Guardian's Abilities
Frost Breath, Ice Smash, and Summon Ice Shards challenge the party in various ways.
Teamwork Focus
Each class has a crucial role: Fighters hold the line, Wizards manipulate the environment, Rogues exploit weaknesses, Clerics heal.
Crown's Influence
The crown may cause irrational behavior in affected characters, adding tension to the battle.
Guardian's Defeat
Once defeated, the party must decide the fate of the Crown of Thrym.
Conclusion: The Fate of the Crown
Quick Reflection The adventure ends with the party deciding the fate of the artifact. The final decision on whether to keep it, destroy it, or return it to the patron can be brief, serving as a narrative capstone and a point for future adventures.
With the Guardian of the Crown defeated, the cavern falls silent, save for the faint hum of magic still lingering in the air. The Crown of Thrym rests in the hands of the party, its cold aura now palpable. The weight of the decision ahead becomes clear—what will they do with this powerful, yet corruptive artifact?