Act 3
The Moral Dilemma: Boran's Fury
Embark on a perilous quest to claim the Crown of Thrym, facing moral dilemmas and ancient curses as you encounter the frozen rival party, Boran's Fury.
Boran's Fury: A Rival Adventuring Group
The rival adventuring group is called Boran's Fury, named after their leader, Boran Stonebreaker, a hardened dwarven fighter with a reputation for being ruthless in pursuit of his goals. They were once a successful team of treasure hunters, known for their efficiency and willingness to cross moral lines to achieve their objectives. They ventured into the ruins in search of the Crown of Thrym but were frozen by the ancient magic of the ruins while trying to claim it.
Music for the Scene
Boran Stonebreaker
Dwarf Fighter, Leader: A battle-hardened dwarf, pragmatic and determined to finish what he starts. His leadership style is blunt and forceful, and he values results over ethics.
Elga Icevein
Human Sorcerer: A sorcerer with an affinity for ice magic. Elga is cold and calculating, much like her powers, and often sees the mission as more important than the lives of those around her.
Neron Duskwalker
Tiefling Rogue: Stealthy and cunning, Neron is an opportunist who takes advantage of any situation. He's known for his ability to manipulate others and turn the tide in his favor during negotiations.
Gorrim Frostbiter
Half-Orc Barbarian: The brute force of the group, Gorrim is loyal to Boran but often unpredictable in battle, driven by his rage. His approach to problems is direct—smash them.
Once Inside the Dwarven Stronghold
As the door opens, a gust of cold air rushes out from the darkness of the dwarven stronghold. The air inside smells stale, and faint echoes suggest something deep within the ruins stirs.
Moral Dilemma
As the party moves deeper into the entrance hall, they come across a rival adventuring group, frozen in a block of ice. This group had apparently come seeking the artifact as well but failed. The adventurers are still alive, but their fate is unclear.
Free Them
The players can choose to free the trapped adventurers (a Strength or Fire-based check, DC 13), but doing so might slow them down and potentially cause future complications if these rivals try to take the artifact themselves.
Leave Them
They can choose to leave the adventurers behind, which allows them to move forward quicker but may come with moral consequences (e.g., rivals becoming future enemies or allies lost).
The Twist: Player Decision Outcomes
Depending on how the adventurers interact with Boran's Fury, three different outcomes can unfold:
Option 1: Do Not Unfreeze
If the adventurers choose to leave Boran's Fury frozen in the ruins:
Outcome The Adventurers will move on without ever knowing what Boran's Fury was truly after. Later in the adventure, the party might find signs that another force has been searching for the Crown of Thrym. They could encounter enemies tied to Boran's past or other consequences of not unfreezing them.
Twist Unbeknownst to the adventurers, Boran's Fury was under a curse that linked their survival to the Crown's power. By leaving them frozen, the adventurers may unknowingly trigger a magical backlash, releasing the frozen spirits of Boran's Fury, which could manifest as vengeful ghosts or phantoms later in the ruins or in future encounters.
Option 2: Unfreeze and Kill
If the adventurers choose to unfreeze Boran's Fury and immediately attack:
Outcome The battle will be fierce, as Boran's Fury will fight for their lives, believing the Pathfinders are here to steal their prize. Boran and his team are seasoned adventurers, and they will not go down easily. Expect a multi-phase combat, with Elga using powerful ice magic and Neron attempting to flank and strike from the shadows.
Twist Killing Boran's Fury brings consequences. Upon defeat, Elga Icevein will reveal with her dying breath that their quest was not just about treasure. She whispers that the Crown is cursed and that they were hired by the same patron as the adventurers—only Boran's Fury was a "backup plan." This revelation sows doubt and intrigue as the Pathfinders now wonder if they are being manipulated by a greater power.
Option 3: Unfreeze and Negotiate
If the adventurers unfreeze Boran's Fury and attempt to negotiate:
Outcome Boran is wary but will negotiate if approached diplomatically. He's a pragmatist and understands that fighting in the harsh conditions of the ruins could be their downfall. If the Pathfinders offer a deal, Boran will be open to working together but will always be looking for an opportunity to betray them once the Crown is within reach.
Twist During negotiations, Neron (the rogue) may subtly position himself to betray the adventurers. He may attempt to pickpocket key items or sabotage the adventurers' efforts without Boran's knowledge. However, if the adventurers handle the situation wisely, they can gain useful information from Elga, who knows of hidden traps and magical wards further inside the ruins. •If negotiations go well, Boran's Fury may even help in a future battle, but tension will always remain high, and the adventurers will need to watch their backs.
Manifestation of Boran's Fury (If Left Frozen)
If the adventurers choose to leave Boran's Fury frozen within the ruins, a hidden curse tied to the Crown of Thrym will trigger, causing the rival party's spirits to manifest later in the adventure. This manifestation serves as both a haunting reminder of their decision and a direct consequence of the ancient magic surrounding the crown.


Triggered Event
After progressing further into the ruins, the adventurers will begin to notice eerie signs that something is watching them: whispers in the air, sudden drops in temperature, and faint echoes of footsteps that aren't their own. The manifestation will occur in a quiet moment—perhaps as they prepare to rest or after a difficult battle—when their guard is lowered.


The Manifestation
Boran's Fury manifests as vengeful ghosts or phantoms, seeking retribution for being left frozen. Their physical bodies remain entombed in ice, but their spirits roam freely, driven by the curse linked to the Crown of Thrym. The party will see ghostly, translucent versions of Boran and his companions, each one marked by the ice that had trapped them. Their forms flicker with cold blue light, and their voices echo with malice and regret.


The ghost of Boran Stonebreaker confronts the adventurers, accusing them of abandoning his team to their fate. His voice is filled with bitterness as he reveals that they were cursed to forever guard the Crown if they failed to claim it. The ghosts will attempt to drain the warmth and life from the adventurers, much like the cold of the ruins. Each ghost uses abilities reminiscent of their mortal lives: •Boran fights with ghostly weapons, dealing cold damage and sapping strength. •Elga Icevein manipulates frost and ice, casting chilling spells that slow and freeze. •Neron Duskwalker attacks from the shadows, moving through walls and appearing behind the adventurers. •Gorrim Frostbiter charges with icy rage, aiming to overpower the adventurers.
Possible Outcomes of Ghost Confrontation
Defeat the Ghosts
If the adventurers defeat the spirits of Boran's Fury, they will be free from the curse, allowing their souls to finally rest. However, the spirits may leave behind a cryptic warning about the true nature of the Crown.
Confront the Curse
The adventurers may have the option to dispel the curse if they uncover its source tied to the Crown's ancient magic. This could involve a more complex challenge, such as solving a puzzle or performing a ritual to release Boran's Fury from their cursed bond.
If the adventurers are overwhelmed, they may need to flee the haunted section of the ruins, though the spirits will continue to haunt them until they deal with the curse directly.
Twist (Optional): If the adventurers leave the ruins without resolving Boran's Fury's curse, they may continue to experience hauntings beyond the ruins—indicating that the curse extends beyond the tomb, and the spirits are bound to the Crown of Thrym itself.
Releasing the Frozen Adventurers
The adventurers have several options to deal with the crystal and release Boran's Fury.
Breaking the Crystal
If the adventurers decide to destroy the crystal, they will have to endure its freezing aura and retaliatory magic. Upon destruction, the crystal will shatter, releasing Boran's Fury from their frozen state. The moment they are freed, Boran and his party will awaken, ready for action, either resulting in a tense negotiation or immediate combat, depending on the party's previous plans.
Disabling the Magic
Characters with Arcana or Investigation skills can inspect the crystal and detect the arcane runes running along its base. These runes are what power the crystal trap and keep Boran's Fury suspended. With a successful DC 18 Arcana check, the adventurers can attempt to disrupt the runes. Doing so will take 10 minutes and requires concentration. If the runes are successfully disrupted, the crystal's magic fades, and it crumbles into dust, releasing the rival adventurers without triggering the freezing aura or shatter response.
Using Fire/Radiant Spells
The adventurers can attack the crystal using fire or radiant spells. These damage types will deal double damage, making it easier to shatter the crystal. A few well-placed Scorching Rays or Radiant Blasts could destroy the crystal in a short time. Destroying the crystal with these methods will still trigger the Shatter Response, but the cold explosion will be weaker, dealing only 2d6 cold damage instead of 3d6.
Tactical Considerations


The adventurers must be careful when approaching the crystal. The freezing aura and the potential shatter effect require smart positioning. Characters with ranged attacks or spells can attack from a distance, while tanks like Rurik can brace for the crystal's counterattack.


Trap Awareness
The crystal's runes will pulse with light as a warning when tampered with. This could be used by the Dungeon Master to give players a chance to rethink a head-on attack or switch to a less destructive approach.
The Crystal's Purpose
If the adventurers investigate further or succeed on a high Arcana check (DC 20), they will learn that the crystal trap was not just designed to freeze trespassers—it was also connected to the ancient curse of the Crown. If they destroy the crystal without properly understanding its magic, they may trigger part of the curse that connects Boran's Fury to the Crown of Thrym, tying their fate to the artifact.
The Crystal Trap: Holding Boran's Fury Frozen
The massive crystal that holds Boran's Fury suspended in time and ice is a powerful arcane trap, designed by the ancient dwarven engineers to protect the Crown of Thrym from unworthy adventurers. This magical prison is not just a simple encasement—it actively resists tampering and poses significant risks to those who try to release its captives.
Appearance The crystal is large, nearly 10 feet tall, and multifaceted, with jagged edges. It radiates a faint bluish glow, casting eerie, cold light on the frozen figures inside. Frost covers the ground around it, and ice tendrils creep outward from its base, indicating its magical origin.
Inside, the adventurers can see Boran's Fury locked in place, their bodies encased in thick ice. They are positioned as though frozen in mid-motion, weapons drawn and ready to strike, but completely immobilized.
Magical Properties The crystal is not only physical but also magically reinforced. It pulses with ancient dwarven magic, woven into the fabric of the ruins to protect the Crown. Its primary function is to freeze anyone attempting to claim the Crown without dispelling or solving the surrounding protective wards.
DM Tips
Balance the Challenge
If the party struggles with the trap or puzzle, allow them to collaborate and assist each other.
Pace the Moral Dilemma
The decision to help or leave the rival adventurers should be quick, with the potential for in-game consequences later. Keep it within 10-15 minutes to stay on track for time.
Emphasize the eerie quiet of the ruins and the cold that continues to seep into the characters' bones.