Act 1
Journey Across the Tundra
Brave the icy winds of Icewind Dale to retrieve a powerful artifact from forgotten dwarven halls. But beware - the Crown of Thrym carries a heavy curse. Will you claim its power or destroy it?
Setting the Scene
The camera pans across the frozen tundra, with the harsh wind howling and biting at your face. The snow is thick and the cold cuts deep, but ahead, you see the dark entrance of a long-abandoned dwarven stronghold. The ruins of a forgotten kingdom lie buried under the ice, a place where few dare to venture.
Your patron, an enigmatic figure who has hired you for this dangerous task, has briefed you on your mission. You are to retrieve an artifact known as the Crown of Thrym, a powerful relic said to hold dominion over ice and cold. But the crown is rumored to carry a heavy curse—those who wear it are said to fall into madness. Your job isn't just to find it; you must decide what to do with it once it's in your hands.


The Journey Begins
Brave adventurers set out across the frozen wastes of Icewind Dale.


Approaching the Ruins
The party nears the entrance to the long-forgotten dwarven stronghold.


The Crown Awaits
Deep within the icy halls, the cursed Crown of Thrym lies hidden.
Music for the Scene
The Frozen Wasteland
The wind howls across the desolate expanse of Icewind Dale, carrying with it a bitter cold that cuts through even the warmest of cloaks. The snow is thick underfoot, and each step feels heavier as the biting wind saps your strength. The landscape around you is a frozen wasteland, dotted only by jagged shards of ice and the distant, looming peaks of frost-covered mountains. Ahead, barely visible through the swirling snow, is the outline of a dark, foreboding structure—an ancient dwarven stronghold, its gates buried beneath centuries of ice and forgotten history.
Biting Cold
The wind carries a bitter cold that cuts through even the warmest cloaks, sapping strength with each step.
Desolate Expanse
A frozen wasteland stretches as far as the eye can see, dotted only by jagged shards of ice.
Ancient Ruins
The dark outline of a dwarven stronghold looms ahead, its gates buried beneath centuries of ice.
The Weight of the Quest
Your journey here has been long and perilous, but now, standing on the edge of the frozen ruins, you can feel the weight of the task set before you. The Crown of Thrym—an artifact of incredible power, said to control the very essence of ice and cold—lies hidden deep within these dwarven halls. Your patron, an enigmatic figure of great knowledge and power, has sent you on this quest, warning of the dangers that lie ahead. Few who have sought the crown have ever returned.


Perilous Journey
The path to the ruins has been fraught with danger, testing the party's resolve.


Powerful Artifact
The Crown of Thrym is said to control the very essence of ice and cold.


Enigmatic Patron
A mysterious figure of great knowledge has tasked the party with this dangerous quest.


Ominous Warning
Few who have sought the crown have ever returned, hinting at the perils that lie ahead.
The Patron's Message
Read out loud for your party, here and further—block quotes are DM's read-outs.
As you brace against the cold, you remember the words of your patron—the mysterious sorcerer who entrusted you with this mission.
"The Crown of Thrym lies buried within those ancient halls, frozen in time. Bring it to me if you dare, or destroy it, if you believe the risk is too great. But know this—its power is immense, and whoever holds it will shape the fate of this land, for better or worse. Many have sought its power, but none have returned unscathed. The crown will test not only your strength but the strength of your will. Should you claim it, you must decide whether you are strong enough to wield such power—or wise enough to destroy it. Go now, and may the frost guide your way."
The Crown's Power
The Crown of Thrym is said to hold dominion over ice and cold, granting its wearer immense power over the frozen elements.
The Curse
Those who wear the crown are rumored to fall into madness, consumed by its power and the icy grip of Thrym.
The Choice
The party must decide whether to bring the crown to their patron, attempt to wield its power themselves, or destroy it to prevent its misuse.
Braving the Elements
As the party approaches the ruins, the cold becomes almost unbearable. Each step forward is a battle against the elements. The players feel the bite of the wind, the crunch of the snow beneath their boots, and the weight of their mission.
Allow the players to describe their characters' reactions as they approach the ruins. This is a chance to set the tone and immerse them in the environment.
A light Survival check (DC 10) could be used to see how well they brace against the cold. Characters with winter clothing or magic protection may not need to roll. Failure results in mild penalties like disadvantage on physical checks until they rest or warm up.